Tag Archives: they

Help me God!

  “Help me God” only these words are not sufficient if you are suffering from poverty, disease, depression. I know that God is everywhere to help you but he has also planned to succeed your requirements and to give you

Encouragement Poems For The Broken Heart

Encouragement Poems For The Broken Heart The greatest pain in the world is that of the broken heart. When you experienced a continuous outpouring of love only to see it disappear and be replaced by a pain just as large.

Spiritual Healing is God’s Healing

Spiritual healing is one of the way God heals. God does heal and more people than ever before are now turning to this type of healing as traditional medicine is failing many people. In reality there is only one person who can

A Christmas Idea

A Christmas Idea Christmas was coming up, and Declan was determined to find get his father and brother the perfect gifts. Shopping for his mother was always easy; no one made it clearer what they wanted more than she did.

Why People Reject Jesus Christ

Why People Reject Jesus Christ People might feel they know the reason they have rejected Jesus Christ, but their reason would probably be wrong. The real reason they have rejected the Son of God is stated in the Bible in

Bible Lessons

Bible Lessons Bible lessons for youth ministry are a time and place for the truth of God to be delivered to your students. For you to be able to deliver a strong and effective lesson to your students, you need

God Loves Wealth – 5 Reasons Why God Wants You to have enough!

 The number one obstacle people have standing between them and the wealth they truly want is feeling as though it is simply “wrong” for them to have a lot of money. For many, it’s a tie to “God”, in whatever
