Tag Archives: still

Attend to God’s Words for Healing!

There is still just one thing that is needful and that is the Word of God. It’s the one thing that a believer cannot successfully do without. If you may attend to the Word and spend some time in it,

Encouragement Poems For The Broken Heart

Encouragement Poems For The Broken Heart The greatest pain in the world is that of the broken heart. When you experienced a continuous outpouring of love only to see it disappear and be replaced by a pain just as large.

God’s Best Friend

God’s Best Friend My son Tyler and I were discussing our two pets the other day. Tyler absolutely loves animals. For years we had an annual pass to the Ft. Worth Zoo and it seemed like we were there every

You Are God

You Are God Some people consider it to be blasphemous to say that you are God. If you believe in concept of ‘blasphemy’, I say it is more blasphemous not to acknowledge it. We often say we are children of

A Christmas Idea

A Christmas Idea Christmas was coming up, and Declan was determined to find get his father and brother the perfect gifts. Shopping for his mother was always easy; no one made it clearer what they wanted more than she did.

Being Happy

Being Happy We all seek happiness in our life; we all want to find peace, contentment, to be at ease, and feel fulfilled. And yet how often does this really happen, and what is the key to finding this?  How

The Word Of God

The Word Of God The world changes, moves and evolves at a blinding speedthanks to technology. For an individual to keep pace and keep himself/herself updated with the changing times is no mean feat. In the days of old, people

The Holy Basil

The Holy Basil Holy basil is one of the oldest herbs known to mankind. It has an aromatic clove-like smell which is extremely engaging. Since the beginning the holy basil has been a native of tropical Asia. But over the
