Tag Archives: Neighbor

Would YOU Trust God More, If He Gave YOU A Map?

“Turn right in 500 feet.” “Recalculating.” “Your destination is on the right.” I use a GPS device as a map, especially when traveling to a new place. After I type in the address, the female voice starts navigating. Of course,

Have you asked God this in Prayer?

When I was considerably younger than I am today, I used to think I was lucky; fortunate not to often get upset or worried like individuals I noticed around me. Then I met the real world – the demanding boss,

God has purpose in Your pain!

 A number of people today are in a desperate place in their lives. You may even be one of them. Are you in need of a financial miracle? Many are strapped financially or are in need of salvation for another

God may Bless America if you pray!

Have you ever heard the phrase “God Bless America”? No truer words have ever been said, because we all really do need God to bless America. The phrase “God Bless America” is often said in general and almost always relating

Want to be part of the Holy Moment?

If I could impart the knowledge of how you could be part of the holy moment, and you in turn, experienced the holy moment, it would be glorious in that through your experience it would release me and thereby bless

Christ’s Love!

Many people appear to lack the faith to worship a God they cannot see so they choose to worship other humans. Some worship Buddha, some Jesus, and some other avatars. God apparently knew humans would have this problem, therefore He chose Jacob’s descendants
