Tag Archives: M.

Need answers in life? Turn to God!

Have you ever wondered, as we all have at some point and time why we are here and what God wants us to do with the life He has given us? We know that we’ve all had some “defining” moments

Are Problems Making You question God?

When problems occur in your life, do you ever question God and ask “why?” For example, “Why is this happening to me?” or “Why do I have to go through this?” Even the most devoted Christian has asked these questions

Is UnForgiveness Blocking Your God-Given Blessings?

The powers of prayer of forgiveness, and of positive thinking are all very powerful indeed. They are also closely connected to each other. Everything from our health to our finances to our relationships with others are affected by the negativity

Can God guide You?

 As Christians, ‘’we” life by the word, Joshua 1:8 ‘’This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate therein day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is

Discouraged? A letter to you from Jesus!

My child, I love you. (John 15:9) I have called you by your name, you are Mine. (Isaiah 43:1) Before I formed you, I knew you. And before you were born, I consecrated you. (Jeremiah 1:5) You did not choose

Don’t think you’ll make it?Where is YOUR Faith?

The way you think will influence the way you will be.  This is why having faith is essential in order for you to do anything. What you think about the most of and what you imagine yourself as the most

Afraid?Let God help you with Your Fears!

Prayer can be very good thing to do to help manage your fears. Here is how prayer can be effective in managing your anxieties, fears, and stresses. Asking God for help is a great way to manage YOUR fears and YOUR anxieties. When you

God may Bless America if you pray!

Have you ever heard the phrase “God Bless America”? No truer words have ever been said, because we all really do need God to bless America. The phrase “God Bless America” is often said in general and almost always relating
