Tag Archives: Looking

Need something to do this Labor Day?

Has this Labor day found you bored with nothing to do? Are you having a day when it is just difficult to get started and difficult to stir yourself up for even the simplest of tasks through your lack of

If you’re depressed,Jesus can help you!

Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activities felt by a person due to some forces that made them so worried, sad, frustrated, anxious, empty, hopeless, worthless, guilty, irritable, or restless. Usually depressed people lose interest in joining

Do You qualify for Psalm 91’s Blessings?

   Why so many references these days to Psalm 91?  Presently, most folks are looking for a safer harbor. Security and even the illusion of security has disappeared when you assess the world’s systems we had so much confidence in

Are You Anxious?Do You want God to help You?

Anxiety could be described as a fly in a room full of large mosquitoes with you trapped in the room with them unable to get out. While it can be aggravating to be trapped in a room with a fly,

Are you tired of going through?

Dear child of God, if you are going through something bad right now, no matter how bad it is, don’t worry because it will change. It will change because God has a plan for your life. Jeremiah 29:11 states for

Afraid?Let God help you with Your Fears!

Prayer can be very good thing to do to help manage your fears. Here is how prayer can be effective in managing your anxieties, fears, and stresses. Asking God for help is a great way to manage YOUR fears and YOUR anxieties. When you

God wants to help you create abundance!

If you are looking to live a life of prosperity, you are no doubt interested in living a life rich and abundant. Aren’t we all?  However, many of us are stuck in the mindset that we need to have something

Need Miracles in YOUR life?

Do you need a miracle in your life? We want to encourage you to pursue and believe that God is able through His one and only Son Jesus Christ to give you miracles in and through your circumstances! Jesus Christ
