Tag Archives: Lives

Is UnForgiveness Blocking Your God-Given Blessings?

The powers of prayer of forgiveness, and of positive thinking are all very powerful indeed. They are also closely connected to each other. Everything from our health to our finances to our relationships with others are affected by the negativity

Instead of giving up, look to God, He Has a Bright Future For You!

We live in a confusing and changing world. With so much discord and unhappiness swirling around it can sometimes feel impossible to lead a truly Christian life. When our political and social leaders are making great missteps and failing to

Can God guide You?

 As Christians, ‘’we” life by the word, Joshua 1:8 ‘’This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate therein day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is

God may Bless America if you pray!

Have you ever heard the phrase “God Bless America”? No truer words have ever been said, because we all really do need God to bless America. The phrase “God Bless America” is often said in general and almost always relating

Do You need a word from The Lord?

Have you ever really needed God to guide you? Have you found yourself at the bottom of the barrel without enough and uncertain of what to do? Sometimes when circumstances are not working right and folks are acting up, you

Good Friday is coming!Are your ready?

Good Friday is the Friday just before Easter Sunday. It is a day that is sacred for people all over the world.  But why is Good Friday so important you may wonder? This is a question that must have surely

Quotes about Change in life!

We would like to discuss a number of great quotes with you about change for the better in your life. We all think that adjustment is the best thing in the entire world especially when things seem to be not

Spring Restores Hope!

Everyone loves spring. It’s the season which awakens our senses with its exquisite colors, transporting fragrances, bird whistles, chirps and additional daylight. Spring’s breathtaking beauty doesn’t just elevate our mood, it restores our hope. Here’s how. For kids hope is
