Tag Archives: Leads

Are You Worried Or Afraid?

Do you ever deal with worry, stress, anxiety or fear? We do and we  are going to guess that you do too. We were praying about what to write today and felt that this is the message that the Lord

Instead of worrying, Follow God’s Leads!

My husband and I recently started taking ballroom dancing classes.  Ballroom dancing isn’t like the modern dancing that you might do at a club or a wedding.  It is very structured.  There are rules, specific steps, and techniques.  And there

Are you being asked to Keep Waiting on God?  

There are times in our life when things will happen and we wonder where is God ?  You may wonder, Does he not know or understand what is happening to us?  With so many people out of work, broke with no

Facing A Drought? Get YOURSELF Some help out+help up!

Things have been soggy in West Texas this past year. Green is not an expected late summer and early fall color. This year, however, prairie grass is still green, very plentiful, and much taller than usual! Weeds are growing like

What Happened?

If God created the world not just to be “good” (Genesis 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25), but also to be “very good” (Genesis 1:31), what happened? Why did chaos, pain, and death come into our world? Why do death,

God’s New start for you poses the Question, What’s Next for You?

It’s time for a New start because the new year is here! Consider where have you been, where are you now, and where are you going. Where is Jesus in each of these? How has redemption changed your life and

As YOU seek God for 31 Days, expect Surprises!

Acts 9:10-21 Surprises are always part of God’s leading. In Saul’s case, the surprise came in the form of a light from heaven, marking a life-changing transformation. For Ananias, it was a seemingly unreasonable and illogical command from the Lord,

Bad circumstances?Expect God’s Goodness!

 The goodness of the Lord is the Honourable, enjoyable and pleasant virtue of God, which He bestows on mankind. It also demonstrates the kind nature of God, which should not be taken for granted. His Word tells us in Psalm
