Tag Archives: LA

Fitness,The Bible,And the Temple of the Holy Spirit

 In the first Fit For Jesus article, I mentioned the following scripture: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your

Jesus wants to teach you about Money!

 Jesus Christ, the savior of the universe approved Christians getting involved in making money using legitimate businesses, but Christiane have never been approved to make money their God and worship it instead of their creator, God. This article give you the teaching

Shout To God!

Clap your hands, everybody, shout to God with cries of joy. How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth! Psalm 47:1 With so much negative talk about the economy and where we’re headed as

Christ’s Love!

Many people appear to lack the faith to worship a God they cannot see so they choose to worship other humans. Some worship Buddha, some Jesus, and some other avatars. God apparently knew humans would have this problem, therefore He chose Jacob’s descendants

Foreign Language Bible

Foreign Language Bible There is no doubt that if you are trying to expand your knowledge of your religion and perhaps improve your skills, a foreign language bible could prove to be the perfect tool for you. What you will

Christian Encouragement Poems

  The best part about Christianity is the Savior, Jesus Christ. Because no matter how you call Him, no matter what your own beliefs are, the atoning blood of the Savior is always there. So what does that all mean

Attend to God’s Words for Healing!

There is still just one thing that is needful and that is the Word of God. It’s the one thing that a believer cannot successfully do without. If you may attend to the Word and spend some time in it,

Words of Power

Words of Power The interplay of words and the power of sentences are most intriguing – people are influenced by their perception and understanding of the way a concept is presented, and how ideas is communicated, and then are subsequently
