Tag Archives: godsbailout

Now is a Good time to start A Quiet Time with God!

“Oh how I love Thy law! It is my meditation all the day.” Psalm 119:97 Christianity is not a legal relationship, it is a love relationship. Ten thousand “don’ts” will never make you one iota more like the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hold Your Place on the wall!

When God instructed Moses to build the tabernacle, He also gifted skilled craftsmen with the ability to perform all the tasks which He commanded. Moses could not have done it without them. Additionally, the people brought sacred offerings of materials

An Easter Prayer For You!

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said…” Matthew 28:6 Such incredible, miraculous, life-changing words. “He is not here, for he has risen…” His power could not be contained in a grave. His love could not be conquered

Change YOUR Easter, Ask God for More!

If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him! (Luke 11:13) I love the redemptive nature

Don’t worry, God will help you!

I have known people that have killed themselves. Unfortunately, most people have known someone that has done that. It’s a horrible epidemic that is bordering on a pandemic. Maybe it’s not that extreme but sometimes it feels like it is

Are You experiencing A Self-Imposed Fog?

I read a devotional the other day on trusting God through the fog, the writer recounting a difficult drive down a foggy mountain road and trusting God to take her safely home. I have not had that experience of driving

Soap Bubbles for YOUR Soul!

I walked onto the beach and stood in awe. It wasn’t the whitecapped waves that captured my attention or the small flock of pelicans that flew nearby. It was the soap bubbles. The ocean was edged with soap bubbles, or

Let God Help You Create A Plan For The New Year!

Think differently…Change your mind… changing your conduct–for the Kingdom of God is at hand…. Let your lives prove your change of heart. (Matthew 3:2,8 AMP) It was a new season, a new age. A new kingdom had come. John the
