Tag Archives: Disc

Let This Easter Renew Your Hope in God!

Easter is not about brightly colored eggs, wearing pastels, or enjoying a big meal, although it could include these. Easter is about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For some, Easter will be a great day, spent surrounded by

Problems will Make You Seek God!

As we go through daily living, our job is to figure out what God is up to, in our lives as He works. He has created circumstances in your life that has put you where you are. Sometimes as God

Has God kept You waiting on Him?

I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry. —Psalm 40:1 Waiting is hard. We wait in grocery lines, in traffic, in the doctor’s office. We twiddle our thumbs, stifle our yawns, and fret

Ever wonder why You Should Read Scriptures?

The teachings of the Scriptures are very significant in the life of a true follower of Jesus Christ. Mostly all of us are more or less familiar with the story in which the Father sent his only Son down to Earth to promulgate

God has purpose in Your pain!

 A number of people today are in a desperate place in their lives. You may even be one of them. Are you in need of a financial miracle? Many are strapped financially or are in need of salvation for another

Do You qualify for Psalm 91’s Blessings?

   Why so many references these days to Psalm 91?  Presently, most folks are looking for a safer harbor. Security and even the illusion of security has disappeared when you assess the world’s systems we had so much confidence in

Don’t think you’ll make it?Where is YOUR Faith?

The way you think will influence the way you will be.  This is why having faith is essential in order for you to do anything. What you think about the most of and what you imagine yourself as the most
