Tag Archives: Clear
Running From God
Running From God Why do men run from God? It has been a question with me for years and one I have had the deepest interest in because I cannot understand it and things I cannot understand when it comes
A Christmas Idea
A Christmas Idea Christmas was coming up, and Declan was determined to find get his father and brother the perfect gifts. Shopping for his mother was always easy; no one made it clearer what they wanted more than she did.
Bible Lessons
Bible Lessons Bible lessons for youth ministry are a time and place for the truth of God to be delivered to your students. For you to be able to deliver a strong and effective lesson to your students, you need
The Encouragement Box
The Encouragement Box Every year, buying Christmas presents is one of those tasks I put off. I’m not one of those people who can go shopping in a department store in July and think, “My sister would love this for…Christmas!”
The Truth About Holy Spirit angel Gabriel according to Holy Quran
The Truth About Holy Spirit angel Gabriel according to Holy Quran The Holy Spirit has been mentioned in the Quran several times and many questions have been raised about the identity of the Holy Spirit in the Quran. Many of