Tag Archives: Church

In the Morning…

Since we’ve been talking about joy over the last few weeks I wanted to share with you one of the ways that I have learned to maintain the Joy of the Lord in my life. For several years now I

Do You keep asking?

My father raised me to never, never give up. In fact, recently he asserted, “Down two runs with two outs in the home half of the ninth is no time to quit. Many games have been won under greater deficits.

Are You Struggling to Find Faith?

      Faith! Faith? Faith can be a struggle whether the struggle is intellectual or based on hard life experiences or withering losses. How can we find faith, and in finding faith, also find ourselves in a better story?

Have YOU been broken?

Smokey is tall at 17 hands (68 inches), lean and muscular, and as wild as the day is long. For several years my friend’s horse has bullied other horses, cattle, and people with his willful attitude. I’ve come to understand

Facing A Drought? Get YOURSELF Some help out+help up!

Things have been soggy in West Texas this past year. Green is not an expected late summer and early fall color. This year, however, prairie grass is still green, very plentiful, and much taller than usual! Weeds are growing like

Need to come back to God?

On a trip to Florida’s Gulf Coast, I witnessed a beach restoration project. The beach, seriously eroded by high winds and surging waves caused by tropical storms, had all but disappeared. In fact, the coast had washed away to the

Is God Calling You to “Seek Him For 2 Days to Get Refreshed?

When is the last time you felt rested? I don’t mean the time you managed to get to bed before midnight. I mean really rested. We don’t live in a culture conducive to rest. Even in the church we can

Are You Responding to God’s Call to Help YOU with YOUR Burdens?

                            How much courage would it take for you to leave everything you know and have and then follow Jesus without knowing the destination? Do you have
