Tag Archives: Christ

Even If You’re Tired….. YOU MUST Keep Moving Forward!

YOU’VE COME THIS FAR by faith; keep moving forward The central theme, chosen to mark the 60th anniversary celebrations of the Brittons Hill Wesleyan Holiness Church, was taken up by Reverend Lorton Moore during the anniversary service, luncheon and awards

God wants to Fix what happened to create Your “New”!

Sometimes we have to dig around the dirt in order to plant something new, beautiful and well-rooted. This post will focus on allowing God to heal your past, so that your “New future can be created”!  Before you go forward,

Merry Christmas!

Dear God Seeker, we made it, today is Christmas, the long awaited day has arrived to celebrate Jesus Christ’s birthday. You may have been busy Christmas shopping, cooking, working or traveling to see family or friends this year, but in

Let Your Angels Work their Magic This Christmas!

No one can measure his greatness. Psalm 145:3 The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Psalm 37:23 When we see God as He truly is, His goodness begins to manifest in

Christ is our Hope This Christmas!

You offer the invitation, and Jesus brings the blessing! When Christ was born, so was our hope. Of all the delights of the season, this is why I love Christmas. The event invites us to believe the wildest of promises.

Don’t worry, “The Lord Is Near”!

We are not alone in our longing to know that the presence of the Lord is with us! Your hand trembles as you open the pathology report that has just come in the mail. Your voice breaks as you let

Does this Christmas find YOU Uncertain?

In times of uncertainty people want visionary leaders. But what if God’s good plan For You is a period of sustained uncertainty? What if God wants you to trust Him moment by moment and day by day instead of having

Don’t understand? God does, He’s guiding you!

A friend once told me a story of a broken engagement. She explained that her initial reaction was to ask, “Why did God allow this to happen to me? What did I do wrong?” It has been years since the
