Tag Archives: Busy

If You’re Overworked,God wants to help you!

Work brings about so much stress. After a long work day, the day closes, and if you are being overworked you will know it because you will feel drained physically, mentally, and emotionally. When you are overworked you feel totally drained out

God will give YOU Enough Time to Do His Will!

In a 21st century world where we’re overworked, over stressed, and over-scheduled, this may be one of the most significant and freeing sentences you’ll ever read: You have just enough time to do God’s will. That means if you don’t

Tired and want to quit?Keep Praying!

Dear child of God, how’s your prayer life going? Is the busyness of life taking up all of your time and draining all of your energy so that you do not have time to pray? Praying very early in the

Incline Your Ear, God wants to bless YOU!

 At a time when so many families feel financially destitute and hopeless, it can be hard to imagine that silver lining. But the mind is a battlefield. The enemy is really busy and will do what he can to redirect

Do You qualify for Psalm 91’s Blessings?

   Why so many references these days to Psalm 91?  Presently, most folks are looking for a safer harbor. Security and even the illusion of security has disappeared when you assess the world’s systems we had so much confidence in

God wants to help you create abundance!

If you are looking to live a life of prosperity, you are no doubt interested in living a life rich and abundant. Aren’t we all?  However, many of us are stuck in the mindset that we need to have something

Reading Inspirational Quotes

Reading Inspirational Quotes  Is it enough to read success stories? I have read so many inspiring stories, success strategies, motivational books that will make me on fire to achieve my goals in life. Back then, I was proud enough. At
