Tag Archives: Both

When You Read Scriptures And Time Travel With God,He’ll Guide You!

  It is always a difficult when picking which Scripture translation to choose for your own private reading. Sometimes it is hard not to think about the possibility that the original and authentic meaning of the text might get, to

Does this Good Friday find you still waiting on God?

There are times in life we all have to wait on God for something.  You may know the drill, you pray to God for solutions to problems that seem to remain unresolved and more than likely you may find out

Do you love all God’s children?

 There is a man sitting on the sidewalk with his back against a store front. His clothes are ragged and dirty. He has a scent that makes your nose wrinkle. He has taken his shoes off, no doubt because they

Do you like inspirational quotes?

The Inspirational Quotes are a great tool to boost your mood as well as the mood of people around you. In addition, inspirational quotes are very helpful; they can inspire and entertain you and your friends or family. Quotes such

Bible Verses Are More Than Just Scriptures!

There are a lot of different ways to look at the Scriptures. Some people read it to seek guidance in how to live their lives, others read it to look for inspiration when everything in their lives isn’t going their

Is Christ really YOUR King?

 Readings: Jeremiah 21: 1 -6; Colossians 1:11-20; Luke 23:33-43. The OT passage today from the prophet Jeremiah is called a ‘messianic oracle’. That means that it foretells the coming of Jesus Christ as the Saviour. It was written some 2,500

The 5 S’s of Jesus Christ – Our Savior of the World!

 Jesus Christ left all His glory in heaven and came down on earth to die for the sins of the human race. He willingly laid down His life to redeem us from both the consequences and penalty of sin. People

Want to be part of the Holy Moment?

If I could impart the knowledge of how you could be part of the holy moment, and you in turn, experienced the holy moment, it would be glorious in that through your experience it would release me and thereby bless
