Tag Archives: Based

God wants to help You “Manage”bad situations!

The Law of Fear and Faith states that one or the other will rule your life depending on you and your will when you are faced with bad situations. Each has the power to dominate, but only one will always

Instead of giving up, look to God, He Has a Bright Future For You!

We live in a confusing and changing world. With so much discord and unhappiness swirling around it can sometimes feel impossible to lead a truly Christian life. When our political and social leaders are making great missteps and failing to

Tired? Try Keeping YOUR Eyes on the Real Prize!

Politicians talk about change as if it is some precious metal not easily mined or the holy grail to be recovered. They tout their ability to bring change. They may even talk about the quality of change they hope to

If You’ve prayed,Let God meet you at your crossroads!

For many people, their worries and anxieties can distort their perception of what is reality and what is not.  God doesn’t want you walking around worried and trying to figure things out on your own, this is why He offers

Merry Christmas!

Dear God Seeker, we made it, today is Christmas, the long awaited day has arrived to celebrate Jesus Christ’s birthday. You may have been busy Christmas shopping, cooking, working or traveling to see family or friends this year, but in

Are You Worried Or Afraid?

Do you ever deal with worry, stress, anxiety or fear? We do and we  are going to guess that you do too. We were praying about what to write today and felt that this is the message that the Lord

MayBe Where You Are is “Meant For You To Pause And Reflect”!

Popular wisdom discourages us from looking back in time. For example, the oft-cited quote from Bil Keane is, “Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.” I would argue that the

When Unsure, Look For God’s Perspective!

“Look beneath the surface so you can judge correctly.” John 7:24 “The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7b Faith commits us to
