Monthly Archives: November 2023

Keep Going, God is With YOU!

For people who’ve had enough of problems and challenges and are now considering quitting, Pastor Joel Osteen of Lakewood Church is recommending that they read the story of David in the Bible. “Scripture tells us repeatedly to take hold of

Happy Thanksgiving!

Someone sent me a prayer for Thanksgiving that expressed the most important things in life — more important than a promotion or a surprise bonus, more important than a new Tesla or a used Tesla, more important than fame and

Dealing with Stress at Thanksgiving, with Thanksgiving!

Will you believe that giving thanks is an effective stress reduction strategy even during the stress of Thanksgiving during a pandemic? In this time of incredible stress, pressure, and anxiety, let’s hear the simple words of encouragement from the apostle

Change YOUR Nothings….Sow Seeds of Success!

Let it be known that the things we do today, prepare us for our tomorrow. In fact, our world is overflowing with information and choices that entrepreneurs around the world are unaware of their failing efforts to move their business

Linger in God’s presence, let Him show you the way!

I have such a love for music that I can’t just turn on one album at a time — I literally shuffle all my songs every day and listen to my collection like a radio station. The only difference between my

Put God First!

Do you ever forget anything? I do. Sometimes I’ll get on an elevator and wonder why I haven’t reached my floor. And then I’ll discover it’s because I hadn’t remembered to push the button. I forget where I’ve put things.

Your problems could be “tests of YOUR faith”!

For many the word “test” brings anxiety. We have so many tests in our lives:  math, spelling, driver’s license, swimming, blood, medical … and each comes with a grade or pass/fail result. Either way, we want to pass the tests.

Has God given YOU more than YOU can handle?

Life can be tough, and when we experience devastation or difficult blows, well-meaning loved ones often try to comfort us. With sympathetic eyes and a warm hug, they’ll offer a simple, “God won’t give you more than you can handle.”
