Tag Archives: Chan

God Still Cares For YOU No matter What!

Have you ever had someone give up on you? Ouch! It hurts with a hurt that is hard to shake. Unfortunately, most of us have experienced our share of failures. Maybe we were blamed falsely for problems we didn’t create,

Maybe You Just Need To Trust God In Your Hard Stuck Places!

Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in the middle of something? Maybe it was a stressful financial situation that didn’t seem to have a clear resolution. Maybe it was a challenging relationship where things felt tense and unresolved. Maybe

If You’ve prayed,Let God meet you at your crossroads!

For many people, their worries and anxieties can distort their perception of what is reality and what is not.  God doesn’t want you walking around worried and trying to figure things out on your own, this is why He offers

Change YOUR Nothings….Sow Seeds of Success!

Let it be known that the things we do today, prepare us for our tomorrow. In fact, our world is overflowing with information and choices that entrepreneurs around the world are unaware of their failing efforts to move their business

Walk by Faith-Leave the Results to God!

Walking by faith is easy when we get the results we are looking for, isn’t it? When our prayers are answered the way we want them to be and everything happens the way we want, it’s easy to have faith.

Did YOU know what you are going through is….Nothing New?

2 Corinthians 12:2-10 Remember that suffering is not new. In what is probably the oldest book in the Bible, the book of Job, we read, “For man is born for trouble, as sparks fly upward” (Job 5:7). Now there’s a

Are You Tired of Being Tired of life?

In a moment we will share with you some questions you can use to coach yourself to help you become less tired of life! But first…ask yourself the following questions; Each day do you think ‘what’s the point’? So you

The Egg or Carrot – Which Will You Choose When Life Gets Hard?

Inevitably, life will become challenging at some point. Circumstance will smack us across the face with an uppercut, a left hook, or a coup de grâce. When this happens, we have to make a choice: Do we want to be
