What You say to yourself matters!

Who hasn’t experienced negative self-talk? Years ago, a knowledgeable guide delighted our group of moms and kids on a field trip to a local historic site. But I sensed her emptiness and wanted to talk to her about the Lord. My conversation didn’t go as I’d hoped.
Accusations pelted me as I drove away, “Why did you say that? You really botched an opportunity. You’re a poor excuse for a Christian.”
Have you ever left a conversation where you wanted to help someone know God better and been besieged by negative thoughts? Or maybe you attended a Bible study and left feeling like you shouldn’t have opened your mouth.

Have you ever wondered what’s up with that?
The Bible says, “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against … the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12 (NIV)
We have an enemy who doesn’t want people to know the truth about God. When we try to grow closer to God or tell others about Him, we invite spiritual attacks. This knowledge shouldn’t scare us but prepare us.
Paul told us how to win the battle in our minds.
“… we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5 (NIV)
Here are two filters to help you recognize and defeat damaging self-talk.

It’s not enough to know what the Bible says. We must know the c
Satan knows the Bible better than we do. He quoted Psalm 91 to tempt Jesus. But Jesus knew Scripture was never intended to tempt, harm, or condemn God’s children. God’s word corrects, comforts, instructs, and strengthens us.
Do you hear a harsh tone when you read the Bible? Are your thoughts condemning and accusing? That is not the voice of our gentle Shepherd.
The better we know our shepherd’s voice, the quicker we’ll take every thought captive.
The better we know Jesus, the quicker we discern and defeat our enemy.

We must learn to filter our thoughts. Ideas that argue against the truth or don’t line up with our Shepherd’s voice must be captured and made to submit to Him.
“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27 (NIV)
1. Know the Truth
Those trained to identify counterfeit money study real money. The better we know the truth the quicker we’ll discern lies. God’s Word is truth.
Notice the difference between what Satan said to Jesus and what the Father said about Jesus.
Satan: “If you are the Son of God, …” Matthew 4:3 (NLT)
The Father: “This is my dearly loved Son, …” Matthew 3:17 (NLT)
Do you know what the Father has said about you? Do you know the truth about how He sees you?
When we know the truth, we’ll recognize the lies.

2. Know the Shepherd’s Voice
It’s not enough to know what the Bible says. We must know the c
Satan knows the Bible better than we do. He quoted Psalm 91 to tempt Jesus. But Jesus knew Scripture was never intended to tempt, harm, or condemn God’s children. God’s word corrects, comforts, instructs, and strengthens us.
Do you hear a harsh tone when you read the Bible? Are your thoughts condemning and accusing? That is not the voice of our gentle Shepherd.
The better we know our shepherd’s voice, the quicker we’ll take every thought captive.
The better we know Jesus, the quicker we discern and defeat our enemy.
We must learn to filter our thoughts. Ideas that argue against the truth or don’t line up with our Shepherd’s voice must be captured and made to submit to Him.
“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27 (NIV)
Copyright © May 2018, Debbie W. Wilson, used with permission.