Tag Archives: teacher

Weary in well doing? Trust God to renew your strength!

Dear friend and faithful blog reader, welcome to this empowering blog post about trusting God for help, guidance, and blessings when you become weary in well doing! Life can be challenging, and it’s not uncommon to feel tired and discouraged

God is listening! Keep looking and Waiting!

I called up my friend, bursting with news to share. “Guess what?” I blurted out as soon as she answered. “Sorry, I’m on the other line,” she replied, cutting me off.  “Can I call you back?” So I called another

“Trust God for a plan” when problems don’t change!

If you are like me, you have likely tried to find your way through a difficult situation by your own strength. There are times when no matter what we do, it just doesn’t seem good enough. We get frustrated and desperate, seeking

Trust God “when you are tired of life’s circumstances”! God can make a way!

Trusting God can be extremely difficult in our daily lives. When everything is falling apart around us, it can feel as if we are drowning under the pressure of life itself. In these difficult times, it is hard to trust

5 Things to remember when you are going through it!

When you are facing something difficult in your life, do you ever find yourself struggling with an uncontrollable swirl of thoughts and emotions, accompanied by discouragement? When you are suffering and your mind is desperately trying to make sense of
