Tag Archives: Talk

A Better Year Ahead?

We all want this year to be better than last — even if last year was a great year. How does that happen? Not by having better circumstances. (They always go up and down.) Not by keeping one of the

~Can God change You The Way He wants To?

“Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think” (Romans 12:2a NLT, second edition). You cannot become all God created you to be until you understand the five factors that influence your identity. The first

Maybe Your Problems are Pushing You to Pray For Revival!

“God doesn’t answer prayer. He answers desperate prayer.” I can still remember my feelings of shock and bewilderment as Leonard Ravenhill, the late church statesman, spoke these difficult words to me. Of course God answers prayer, I thought. But after

Are YOU Tired of the Election Frenzy?

The night before the crucifixion was a dark time. Jesus’ followers didn’t know what was going to happen next, but there were hints of a time of trial and persecution unlike any they’d ever known. In the midst of their

Seize Each Moment, God Gives You!

“Be careful how you act; these are difficult days. Don’t be fools; be wise: make the most of every opportunity you have for doing good.” (Ephesians 5:15-16 TLB) Everyone has a dream. Maybe you’ve had it since you were a

If Your Pain Is Not Changing, Seek God’s Grace!

“My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak.” (2 Corinthians 12:9a TEV) As a pastor, I meet hurting people all the time. You can take two people, put them in the same difficult

God is always Inspiring You,Are you There Yet?

  There will be people you will come across throughout your life who will inspire you to make a positive change. These people have this power because they are people who kept going for their dreams and never gave up.
