Tag Archives: Sick

What You say to yourself matters!

Who hasn’t experienced negative self-talk? Years ago, a knowledgeable guide delighted our group of moms and kids on a field trip to a local historic site. But I sensed her emptiness and wanted to talk to her about the Lord.

God is listening! Keep looking and Waiting!

I called up my friend, bursting with news to share. “Guess what?” I blurted out as soon as she answered. “Sorry, I’m on the other line,” she replied, cutting me off.  “Can I call you back?” So I called another

Life not what you want? Let God revise it!

When God revises the script of life, Your past difficulties will become favors in disguise. Everyone has a story. For people who follow God, that story may parallel His treatment of the Israelites. In the prophecy of Ezekiel 36, we

Tired of problems?12 Bible Verses To build Your faith!

Satan is always trying to put his thoughts in our minds, but we can identify them and reject them with the Word of God. Below are 12 types of thoughts Satan tries to inflict on us and the Bible verses

Put God First!

Do you ever forget anything? I do. Sometimes I’ll get on an elevator and wonder why I haven’t reached my floor. And then I’ll discover it’s because I hadn’t remembered to push the button. I forget where I’ve put things.

Are You Tired of Being Tired of life?

In a moment we will share with you some questions you can use to coach yourself to help you become less tired of life! But first…ask yourself the following questions; Each day do you think ‘what’s the point’? So you

Want or need Change? You must get rewired daily!

“Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.” (Proverbs 4:23 TEV) God is far more interested in changing your mind than changing your circumstances. We want God to take away all of the problems, pain, sorrow,

Hold Your Place on the wall!

When God instructed Moses to build the tabernacle, He also gifted skilled craftsmen with the ability to perform all the tasks which He commanded. Moses could not have done it without them. Additionally, the people brought sacred offerings of materials
