Tag Archives: Prayer

Desert of Trial

Because he knew the true and living God, the heart behind the Scriptures, he could recognize the forger, the fraud — Satan — who tried to distort and misuse truth and Scripture. Most likely, you have been there. You find

Tune YOUR Heart to His!

“O Lord, do good to those who are good, whose hearts are in tune with you.” Psalm 125:4 Imagine an orchestra where just one instrument is off-key. That dissonance alone would ruin the symphony. Dissonance hurts the ears. Like nails on

If You’ve Had it with Problems, Try This!

All we need is mustard seed faith. Just a bit is enough to begin. As a cup of water poured down the old well can prime the pump, and set the waters flowing, all you need today is faith to

When YOU Pray, Do You Really Think God Will Answer?

Do you expect God to answer prayer? Or do you, like me, struggle to maintain a prayerfully expectant heart? For years, maybe even decades, Simeon had been waiting for God to fulfill a promise. Was he weary of waiting? I

The dullest pencil

“The dullest pencil … remembers better than the sharpest mind.” My co-worker, and friend, Ted Cramer, says that all the time, and it is very true. We all like to think we can remember whatever it is we are supposed

Need A lifeline?

My mom suffered an exceptionally awful day when we moved her from independent to assisted living. Like many people with dementia experiencing a change, she defiantly cussed, yelled, and got physically aggressive. Her pupils grew constricted, and the sparkle that

New Wine and Old Skins

“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” “He’s old and stuck in his ways.” “She’s never going to change.” There is an ingrained, all-too-often-proved-true, prejudice that when we get older we can’t, or won’t, change any more. This is
