Tag Archives: Pet

Is God asking YOU to have Courage for the Moment?

This is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah the son of David, the son of Abraham: (Matthew 1:2). … Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen

You Be You!

…for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure (Philippians 2:13). You be you! Don’t be your parents or grandparents. You can admire them, appreciate them, and learn from them. But

God Is Aware, and Yes He Does Care!

“As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him” (Psalm 103:13 NIV). God is a caring, loving, compassionate father. He loves you more than you will ever understand. He loves you

Your Faith in God can help Solve Problems!

In these two passages of Scriptures, we learn what happened when Peter believed God in the book of Matthew. Also known, undoubtedly, is how spiritual strength can increase with prayer partners and being in the company of believers. Personal encounters

Maybe Your Problems are Pushing You to Pray For Revival!

“God doesn’t answer prayer. He answers desperate prayer.” I can still remember my feelings of shock and bewilderment as Leonard Ravenhill, the late church statesman, spoke these difficult words to me. Of course God answers prayer, I thought. But after

Can God teach you about Stress?

In our everyday lives, stress is everywhere and definitely unavoidable; hence our emphasis should be on differentiating between what is good stress, and what is bad. This will help us to learn to cope with negative stress, and harness the

Don’t Worry, The Fog will eventually Lift!

Imagine swimming in a vast lake and getting three or four hundred yards offshore when suddenly a freak fog rolls in and surrounds you. You’re trapped in this tiny circle of diffused light, but you can’t see beyond your arm’s

God’s Message to Jesus… and You!

Fresh starts and new beginnings are important to us. We try to make a good first impression. When we begin a new job, initiate a new project, or kick-off a new school year, we want to get off to a
