Tag Archives: needs

Need Money?Change Systems!

God does not have a problem with you having money as long as He is first place in your life. In fact, He wants you to have enough money to be able to pay your bills and give your tithes and

Are you tired of going through?

Dear child of God, if you are going through something bad right now, no matter how bad it is, don’t worry because it will change. It will change because God has a plan for your life. Jeremiah 29:11 states for

Do You need a word from The Lord?

Have you ever really needed God to guide you? Have you found yourself at the bottom of the barrel without enough and uncertain of what to do? Sometimes when circumstances are not working right and folks are acting up, you

God will provide for your needs!

Outside my office window, the squirrels are in a race against winter to bury their acorns in a safe, accessible place. Their commotion amuses me. An entire herd of deer can go through our back yard and not make a

Spring Restores Hope!

Everyone loves spring. It’s the season which awakens our senses with its exquisite colors, transporting fragrances, bird whistles, chirps and additional daylight. Spring’s breathtaking beauty doesn’t just elevate our mood, it restores our hope. Here’s how. For kids hope is

Do you love all God’s children?

 There is a man sitting on the sidewalk with his back against a store front. His clothes are ragged and dirty. He has a scent that makes your nose wrinkle. He has taken his shoes off, no doubt because they

The 5 S’s of Jesus Christ – Our Savior of the World!

 Jesus Christ left all His glory in heaven and came down on earth to die for the sins of the human race. He willingly laid down His life to redeem us from both the consequences and penalty of sin. People

One God for all!

Our ability, to assist in bringing forth the Kingdom of God within ourselves and on our planet, depends first and foremost on understanding who God is (to the best of our present ability to do so).  The Apostle Paul explained
