Tag Archives: Made

Seeking God For 3 Days will get you results like this….

Here is an example of a prayer that God can answer when you make the time to seek Him for the next 3 days……It had been a prayer in passing, not one a person would expect an answer, I simply

If YOU need help, Seek God!

When you call unto God, you are crying out to Him for help, instructions or directions.  He has promised in His Word “before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear”. Isaiah 65:24. The bible

Work in Harmony With God – Get Positive Results!

No one has a fate, but everyone has a destiny. Fate is an outcome that cannot be changed and does not depend on the actions of an individual. Fate does not make sense conceptually, given the fact that all people

Celebrate Jesus’s Resurrection – Let Him Resurrect Your Life!

Each year at Easter, Christians talk with great joy about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Why do we make such a big deal about these events? The primary reason is because we have a problem called sin. Even

Let This Easter Renew Your Hope in God!

Easter is not about brightly colored eggs, wearing pastels, or enjoying a big meal, although it could include these. Easter is about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For some, Easter will be a great day, spent surrounded by

3 Reasons Why Some Prayers May Not Be Effective

  Are your prayers always answered? Or do you wish God might be hearing you every time you pray? Is prayer really a hit or miss way of communicating with God? Contrary to what many Christians believe, there is not
