Tag Archives: Looking

The Egg or Carrot – Which Will You Choose When Life Gets Hard?

Inevitably, life will become challenging at some point. Circumstance will smack us across the face with an uppercut, a left hook, or a coup de grâce. When this happens, we have to make a choice: Do we want to be

MayBe Where You Are is “Meant For You To Pause And Reflect”!

Popular wisdom discourages us from looking back in time. For example, the oft-cited quote from Bil Keane is, “Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.” I would argue that the

Still Trying To Figure Out What God is Doing?

There was a time early in my ministry when I really struggled with God’s will for my life. I was interning at a small church in Illinois, and I was in the middle of a tenuous job search where nothing

God wants to make Ways For You!

No matter what is going on in your life that you either do not agree with or do not like, we’d like to encourage you to not worry too much about it because if you believe in and trust God

Is Your Life Missing This 1 Thing?

Look at those who are honest and good, for a wonderful future awaits those who love peace. (Psalm 37:37) Did you know that Loving peace is 1 of the secrets to a wonderful future? If your future isn’t looking as

Facing A Drought? Get YOURSELF Some help out+help up!

Things have been soggy in West Texas this past year. Green is not an expected late summer and early fall color. This year, however, prairie grass is still green, very plentiful, and much taller than usual! Weeds are growing like

Problems? Turn To God’s Word- Have Faith!

The bible contains the word of God which directly speaks to us not only when we are faced with difficult situation but a daily guide for our short stay on earth, so with that in mind, here’s your Bible verse

Troubled? Confused? Get Advice From the Cloud!

From the cloud came a voice, “This is my Son, the Beloved. Listen to him.” Mark 9:7 Are you looking for advice to guide you into 2019? The best wisdom comes from the cloud – not the cloud that stores your
