Tag Archives: life

3 Reasons Why Some Prayers May Not Be Effective

  Are your prayers always answered? Or do you wish God might be hearing you every time you pray? Is prayer really a hit or miss way of communicating with God? Contrary to what many Christians believe, there is not

In The Midst of Problems,Are You Hearing God Speak?

I read a book years ago called “Salvation on Sand Mountain: Snake Handling and Redemption in Southern Appalachia” by Dennis Covington. It’s a true story about snake handling Christians in the Sand Mountain area of Alabama, near where Alabama, Georgia

Come closer!Let God teach you about pressure!

Our usual reaction to pressure is to get it off us, or away from us quickly. Pressure comes in myriad ways. It can come through relationships, work, health, or financial issues, etc. Pressure is a way of life. God has

Come sit with God awhile..Listen as Sheryl Brady Speaks…

 Life can be rough sometimes and it can be hard to figure out what is going on and why you are having to go through so much. God has many reasons why you may be facing  difficulties and He is

Impossible Problems? Use Your Faith!

Now when we look in the 11th chapter of the book of Hebrews we are looking into what we call the “faith” chapter of The Bible; and as we read this chapter of the Bible it will increase our faith,
