Tag Archives: impact

Merry Christmas!

Dear God Seeker, we made it, today is Christmas, the long awaited day has arrived to celebrate Jesus Christ’s birthday. You may have been busy Christmas shopping, cooking, working or traveling to see family or friends this year, but in

The Egg or Carrot – Which Will You Choose When Life Gets Hard?

Inevitably, life will become challenging at some point. Circumstance will smack us across the face with an uppercut, a left hook, or a coup de grâce. When this happens, we have to make a choice: Do we want to be

As YOU Seek God, He may Have Chosen This For YOU!

Acts 11:19-26 Some of you who read these words today could use a little extra hope, especially if you find yourself in a waiting mode. You were once engaged in the action, doing top-priority work on the front lines. No

It Can Be “Really” Hard, But Choose to Live Your Dreams…Anyway!

People deal with their dreams in one of three ways. They accuse, they excuse, or they choose.Accusers spend their entire lives blaming others for why they haven’t achieved their dreams. Excusers make excuses for why they are not living their

Is Fear Keeping You In A Pit?

When I was seven years old I jumped off a high dive. It seemed to shock everyone in the pool that day, especially my mother. I don’t know if you were like me or not, but when I was younger

Ever Wonder About God’s Will For YOU?

Our Challenging Reality: A young woman shared her heart in Bible class: We all prayed and asked for God’s wisdom to know whether my dad should move to this new church, but we obviously misread the will of God. From
