Tag Archives: him.

Your Faith in God can help Solve Problems!

In these two passages of Scriptures, we learn what happened when Peter believed God in the book of Matthew. Also known, undoubtedly, is how spiritual strength can increase with prayer partners and being in the company of believers. Personal encounters

Make it easy on YOURSELF, Surrender to God!

Acts 9:5-9; Acts 26:12-15 God goaded and prodded the stubborn pride of Saul—that Pharisaic ox. Day after day he kicked against those goads, until finally he got the message. There would be no more running. No more hiding. The fight

Maybe Your Problems are Pushing You to Pray For Revival!

“God doesn’t answer prayer. He answers desperate prayer.” I can still remember my feelings of shock and bewilderment as Leonard Ravenhill, the late church statesman, spoke these difficult words to me. Of course God answers prayer, I thought. But after

Ever Been let Down by Some 1 You Trusted? God can Be trusted!

Have you ever struggled with trusting someone you love or like after that person has let you down? Many of us have experienced this. We might have responded by saying or thinking, “Trust is earned.” A recent situation prompted me

God Is YOUR President!

Today as the President of the United States is chosen, remember if you love or follow God, He is Already YOUR President. He has already been elected, His term is eternal. He is seldom early but rarely late, He works

Don’t Fix Stupid with Stupid!

There is a way that seems right, but its end is the way to death (Proverbs 14:12). One may give into temptation with this set of thoughts: “No one will know. I won’t get caught. I’m only human…” Don’t make

Gain Peace During the Election Season!

There is a Presidential election happening in the United States, and many people are afraid, apprehensive, or nervous over what will happen in this country. You can find harsh rhetoric, angry voters, lots of rumors, lies, and fear mongering. And

Troubled on Every Side?Invite God to Fight Your Battles!

FROM Biblical history, it is quite clear that whenever God fights for an individual or a group of people, they always win. God has never fought any battle and lost. There is a Divine factor of victory in warfare engagements.
