Tag Archives: God

Seeking God For 3 Days will get you results like this….

Here is an example of a prayer that God can answer when you make the time to seek Him for the next 3 days……It had been a prayer in passing, not one a person would expect an answer, I simply

God wants to lead you to Your Purpose!

We have great potential. We have so much potential! Each of us can be the unique and extraordinary person that God originally created us to be! We all have the ability to make millions of dollars, invent cures to terminal

God has Given You The Gift of Life-Are You Opening it?

There are some people who come into our lives at a point in time when we are entering a new way of being. They plant seeds and are not necessarily a regular part of our days. Kind of like music

Obtain God’s Peace, Hide His Word in Your Heart!

We become what we meditate on. The scriptures tell us that a good  person out of the good treasure of  their heart creates that which is good. If we become or manifest what we continually think about, it is imperative 

If YOU need help, Seek God!

When you call unto God, you are crying out to Him for help, instructions or directions.  He has promised in His Word “before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear”. Isaiah 65:24. The bible

You may just need to have More Faith To Produce Miracles!

If things are your life are not going the way that you would like them to and you are finding yourself in dire need of God’s help or you won’t make it, a miracle from God may be just what

Sometimes waiting on God results in Questions…

Have you ever wondered what makes some things worth so much money? I did a search on the Internet of the most expensive things in the world. One of the sites that came up listed 25 of the most expensive
