Tag Archives: Giving

Pray to God, He’s Paying Attention!

You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. Psalm 56:8 The Lord helps the fallen. He lifts those bent beneath their loads. Psalm 145:14

The Precious Stone: A Story of Spiritual Direction For You!

A holy and happy hermit came to the outskirts of a village and settled down under a tree for the night. He got out his Bible and was about to say his prayers, which he always prayed in Jesus’ name,

Just Plow Your Fields, Leave The Rest To God!

We all face times in life when we feel overwhelmed. Our To Do List is too long.  Or the people who are closest to us are creating stress instead of making our lives easier.  Or we feel that the problems

If Your Back’s Against the Wall, Pray!

When Arioch, the commander of the king’s guard, came to kill them, Daniel handled the situation with wisdom and discretion. (Daniel 2:14) Daniel was scheduled to be executed along with all the wise men in Babylon’s court. Daniel was an

When Bad Circumstances and Bad Folks Get On YOUR Nerves, Do This!

When was the last time you had a bad day? I bet it wasn’t long ago. Maybe you had an argument with your spouse first thing in the morning and spilled your coffee on your way out the door. Or

Is Your Faith Being “tested by problems”?

Romans 10:13-17) “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? How shall they hear without a preacher? How shall they preach, except they

Throw Your Worries Away!

There’s a verse in the New Testament that says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). I like the imagery of taking the things that I’m worried about and throwing them on God.

God wants to make Ways For You!

No matter what is going on in your life that you either do not agree with or do not like, we’d like to encourage you to not worry too much about it because if you believe in and trust God
