Tag Archives: Falls

Quotes to motivate and inspire you!

Inspirational quotes will make it clear to you that many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. So dont miss your change read those short motivational quotes and

Want to be part of the Holy Moment?

If I could impart the knowledge of how you could be part of the holy moment, and you in turn, experienced the holy moment, it would be glorious in that through your experience it would release me and thereby bless

Best Christmas Gift

Best Christmas Gift Think about the best Christmas gift you ever received. Chances are it wasn’t a shirt and tie, a pair of shoes, or even a gift card to your favorite store. Most likely, your favorite Christmas gifts were

Inspirational quotes to live by on your birthday

Inspirational quotes to live by on your birthday Motivational inspirational quotes – There are times in our lives when we are on narrow roads. At those times, we are fools if we try to maintain our usual speed.   Quotes

Encouragement For Today

 Encouragement For Today ‘A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.’ George Bernard Shaw, Irish dramatist & socialist You know the thing about life? You get to look back
