Tag Archives: Decide

Need God’s help?Try This!

Do you need help but don’t know what to do? Are you unable to feel God’s love or sense His direction for your life when you meditate or pray? Sometimes when you are faced with challenges that feel overwhelming, it is not always possible to

Keep Seeking God, He will work things out!

How many of the wrong decisions and hard times of our lives are brought about by not seeking the Lord? It is not that we consciously decide not to seek him, but that we choose to concentrate on what we

Want to be happy?Claim it!

Some people believe that achieving happiness is the purpose of life, yet the pursuit of happiness often leads to unhappiness. This is because happiness is actually a consequence of a different life purpose – the pursuit of evolving our souls

Sand Castle Blessings

  It was the perfect day. The sun was shining, the sky was a vibrant blue, the clouds were pillows of cotton and the breeze was light and cool. God’s creatures were enjoying the day and so I decided, my

Is UnForgiveness Blocking Your God-Given Blessings?

The powers of prayer of forgiveness, and of positive thinking are all very powerful indeed. They are also closely connected to each other. Everything from our health to our finances to our relationships with others are affected by the negativity

When You Read Scriptures And Time Travel With God,He’ll Guide You!

  It is always a difficult when picking which Scripture translation to choose for your own private reading. Sometimes it is hard not to think about the possibility that the original and authentic meaning of the text might get, to
