Tag Archives: Deal

Need something to do this Labor Day?

Has this Labor day found you bored with nothing to do? Are you having a day when it is just difficult to get started and difficult to stir yourself up for even the simplest of tasks through your lack of

Are You Anxious?Do You want God to help You?

Anxiety could be described as a fly in a room full of large mosquitoes with you trapped in the room with them unable to get out. While it can be aggravating to be trapped in a room with a fly,

Is UnForgiveness Blocking Your God-Given Blessings?

The powers of prayer of forgiveness, and of positive thinking are all very powerful indeed. They are also closely connected to each other. Everything from our health to our finances to our relationships with others are affected by the negativity

Can God guide You?

 As Christians, ‘’we” life by the word, Joshua 1:8 ‘’This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate therein day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is

Afraid?Let God help you with Your Fears!

Prayer can be very good thing to do to help manage your fears. Here is how prayer can be effective in managing your anxieties, fears, and stresses. Asking God for help is a great way to manage YOUR fears and YOUR anxieties. When you

Want to be inspired by God’s love?

Have you felt down or sad lately? Do you want to be inspired by the love of God and begin to feel His Healing Power? Then there is one thing you should do: grab a Bible and read different verses. Here
