Tag Archives: confident

Need answers in life? Turn to God!

Have you ever wondered, as we all have at some point and time why we are here and what God wants us to do with the life He has given us? We know that we’ve all had some “defining” moments

Are Problems Making You question God?

When problems occur in your life, do you ever question God and ask “why?” For example, “Why is this happening to me?” or “Why do I have to go through this?” Even the most devoted Christian has asked these questions

Our God is stronger!

Some kids love to brag about their dads. If you eavesdrop on neighborhood conversations, you’ll hear children saying, “My dad is bigger than your dad!” or “My dad is smarter than your dad!” But the best brag of all is,

As Good Friday approaches,have Your plans been changed?

Interruptions are nothing new. Rarely does a day go by as planned. Life is filled with inconveniences. Our plans are constantly thwarted by forces beyond our control. The list is long and ever-changing: Sickness. Conflict. Traffic jams. Forgetfulness. Appliance malfunctions.

God has unique ways of working!

In times of great economic fluctuations and uncertainty, it is our nature to contract,  pull in, look for cover, and try to ride out the storm. We often wait and try not to make changes, holding on tight to our present

Motivational inspirational quotes for happiness

Motivational inspirational quotes for happiness motivational quotes – Nobody motivates today’s workers. If it doesn’t come from within, it doesn’t come. Fun helps remove the barriers that allow people to motivate themselves.– Herman Cain   Inspirational quotes – If you
