Tag Archives: After

The 5 S’s of Jesus Christ – Our Savior of the World!

 Jesus Christ left all His glory in heaven and came down on earth to die for the sins of the human race. He willingly laid down His life to redeem us from both the consequences and penalty of sin. People

Jesus wants to teach you about Money!

 Jesus Christ, the savior of the universe approved Christians getting involved in making money using legitimate businesses, but Christiane have never been approved to make money their God and worship it instead of their creator, God. This article give you the teaching

Christian Encouragement Poems

  The best part about Christianity is the Savior, Jesus Christ. Because no matter how you call Him, no matter what your own beliefs are, the atoning blood of the Savior is always there. So what does that all mean

NKJV Daily Bible

NKJV Daily Bible The New King James Daily Bible, or the NKJV Daily Bible, is a variant of the standard King James Bible. The bottom line is that this Bible was produced in more modern English. This is a Bible

Encouragement Poems For The Broken Heart

Encouragement Poems For The Broken Heart The greatest pain in the world is that of the broken heart. When you experienced a continuous outpouring of love only to see it disappear and be replaced by a pain just as large.

Holy Land jewelry

Holy Land jewelry It is not essential to wait for a special occasion, like a birthday, an engagements party or a holyday, to give someone a present. You can give from your heart without looking for a special opportunity or

A Christmas Idea

A Christmas Idea Christmas was coming up, and Declan was determined to find get his father and brother the perfect gifts. Shopping for his mother was always easy; no one made it clearer what they wanted more than she did.
