Keep Seeking God, He will work things out!
How many of the wrong decisions and hard times of our lives are brought about by not seeking the Lord?
It is not that we consciously decide not to seek him, but that we choose to concentrate on what we are doing instead of seeking to know what God would have us be doing.
We may even be on a path to which we know he guided us, but once there, we begin to make our decisions according to human reasoning instead of continuing to seek his wisdom.
The key to this dilemma, and all others of our lives, is a matter of the heart. Is your heart after success, love or recognition, or is your heart after the Lord? If we will choose to set our hearts to seek the Lord, the success, love and recognition will be measured out for our lives in abundance.
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” That is his promise and his way.
-Kay Dishner
“He did evil because he had not set his heart on seeking the Lord.” — II Chronicles 12: 14