Category Archives: Divine Direction

Did You know Suffering is Part of God’s plan?

Christian suffering is part of God’s power, plan, and purpose for the universe says Florida pastor Ken Whitten in a March 10 chapel message at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. “The sovereignty of God and the sympathy of God do

Are the Scriptures Misleading?

Some preachers today have hijacked the words prosper and prosperity and misled their followers to believe in the name it and claim it prosperity. They say that God wants everyone to be wealthy and healthy, they might say so you

Is God Nudging You to Change in 2015?

Whew! Spring is here! Admittedly, the excitement of the New Season often urges me to fill up every moment with some wonderful venture. This has been one of those years. I’m afraid that incessant busyness, if unchecked, can lead to

Problems will Make You Seek God!

As we go through daily living, our job is to figure out what God is up to, in our lives as He works. He has created circumstances in your life that has put you where you are. Sometimes as God

Are Your plans being “Blocked” By God?

Sometimes the Lord will step in and say no to even the most loving and carefully considered of our plans. There are many ways, of course, that God can stop or redirect us. Sometimes it’s through the warning of a

God has Been Sounding His Alarm..Do You Hear it?

Each morning is pretty much the same. I am stirred from a tranquil state of physical inactivity to a state of panic and then activity. This stirring takes place because of the sound of the alarm that comes from my

Do you need A look back At 2014?

Looking back at the year 2014, I realize how blessed I am. I know so many people who have gone through so much this year. Illness, divorce, and horrific family problems. I feel like I got out of the way
