Tag Archives: Master

If You’re Fed up and tired of it, Joylessness Is Not a Sin or Failure!

We all go through times of joylessness, times of abject failure, seasons of grief, feeling overwhelmed for prolonged periods of time. Some of us are burnt out for any number of reasons. And many of us flagellate ourselves; we beat

Like Elijah, God May Be trying to tell You YOU’RE `JUST Tired!

God met his servant Elijah in his desperate moment of discouragement and despair. This is mercy at its best, beautifully portrayed by the Master Himself. First, God allowed Elijah a time of rest and refreshment. No sermon. No rebuke. No

God wants to Fix what happened to create Your “New”!

Sometimes we have to dig around the dirt in order to plant something new, beautiful and well-rooted. This post will focus on allowing God to heal your past, so that your “New future can be created”!  Before you go forward,

The Precious Stone: A Story of Spiritual Direction For You!

A holy and happy hermit came to the outskirts of a village and settled down under a tree for the night. He got out his Bible and was about to say his prayers, which he always prayed in Jesus’ name,

The Egg or Carrot – Which Will You Choose When Life Gets Hard?

Inevitably, life will become challenging at some point. Circumstance will smack us across the face with an uppercut, a left hook, or a coup de grâce. When this happens, we have to make a choice: Do we want to be

No matter what,God can Piece Your life together again…

Way back in 1981, the Royal Academy of Music in Finland invited British violinist Peter Cropper to play at a special concert. The concert was special as they wanted him to play on the Stradivarius (a 285-year-old violin that drew

God’s Words of Grace For You!

Everything depends upon God’s word. He created the universe by His word, we are redeemed according to His word, the world is sustained by His word, and His love toward us in its manifold expressions is revealed to us in

God has seen and He Wants To Set You Free!

God observes the shackles that we hide in our souls. We are slaves to food, sex, drugs, money, pride, fame, man’s approval, pornography, and a host of other vices. Once we make Jesus the Commander of our lives, we, by
