Tag Archives: LA

Obtain God’s Peace, Hide His Word in Your Heart!

We become what we meditate on. The scriptures tell us that a good  person out of the good treasure of  their heart creates that which is good. If we become or manifest what we continually think about, it is imperative 

If YOU need help, Seek God!

When you call unto God, you are crying out to Him for help, instructions or directions.  He has promised in His Word “before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear”. Isaiah 65:24. The bible

You may just need to have More Faith To Produce Miracles!

If things are your life are not going the way that you would like them to and you are finding yourself in dire need of God’s help or you won’t make it, a miracle from God may be just what

Have Faith In God..No Matter What..

“For we also have had the gospel preached to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because those who heard it did not combine it with faith.” – Hebrews 4:2 The

Work in Harmony With God – Get Positive Results!

No one has a fate, but everyone has a destiny. Fate is an outcome that cannot be changed and does not depend on the actions of an individual. Fate does not make sense conceptually, given the fact that all people

Turn On God’s Power!Use His Word!

Different words have different energies. Some word inspire and motivate, others stifle. Some words are high powered, others are low key. However, every words have something in common, and that’s the ability to determine how we think and feel. Experts

Even in Sorrow,God expects you to go on!

In your life you may have experienced great sorrows, and your home may seem empty. Your first impulse maybe to give up and to sit down in despair amid your dashed hopes. Yet you must defy that temptation, for if
