Tag Archives: godsbailout

Is God sending you signs? 3 Signs God Is Trying To Tell You Something!

Here are three signs that God might be trying to tell you something very important. Unraveling A few years before I came to saving faith in Christ, things started to unravel for me. I wasn’t married, and it seemed every

Ever asked God Why?

A three-year-old’s favorite word is why. “Johnny, hold my hand while we cross the street.” “Why?” “Because I don’t want you to run out in front of a car.” “Why?” “Because if a car hits you, you’ll be hurt or

Need to come back to God?

On a trip to Florida’s Gulf Coast, I witnessed a beach restoration project. The beach, seriously eroded by high winds and surging waves caused by tropical storms, had all but disappeared. In fact, the coast had washed away to the

After Thought: Where is God in the Storm?

After hurricanes, other natural disasters, and acts of terrorism, someone inevitably asks, “Where is God?” What they’re really asking is, “How can a loving God allow such horrific pain and suffering to happen?” So often columnists venture upon divine judgment

As Thanksgiving approaches, Are you Thankful?

Sometimes, I annoy myself.  In fact, often times I annoy myself.  I’m a whiner. Sometimes to my husband, mostly to God. Why don’t people like me? Don’t they appreciate my talent? Why does everyone else our age get to go

Creation Speaks

If we are willing, and if we allow ourselves the space to listen, God’s voice surrounds us. Spring is the time of rebirth. I love the variations of green. The lime green of the new leaves and the turning to

Have needs? God invites you to talk to Him!

At times, our fears and anxieties may seem too powerful to overcome but with God’s help not only are they possible to overcome but they can be overcome. Here are some tips to help you work with God as He

Escape the Clutches of Depression, Run to God!

But each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me, and through each night I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me life. (Psalm 42:8 NLT) Have you ever tried to praise your way out of the
