Tag Archives: Gen

Are You Struggling to Find Faith?

      Faith! Faith? Faith can be a struggle whether the struggle is intellectual or based on hard life experiences or withering losses. How can we find faith, and in finding faith, also find ourselves in a better story?

Tired? Detox and Get Your Soul Right!

We are grateful to the wonderful people in the world who diligently care for the earth and fight for a clean, polution-free planet. Yet, very little is said in our culture about another deadly sort of pollution:  soul pollution. Soul pollution builds

Is Your Life Missing This 1 Thing?

Look at those who are honest and good, for a wonderful future awaits those who love peace. (Psalm 37:37) Did you know that Loving peace is 1 of the secrets to a wonderful future? If your future isn’t looking as

Is God Calling You to “Seek Him For 2 Days to Get Refreshed?

When is the last time you felt rested? I don’t mean the time you managed to get to bed before midnight. I mean really rested. We don’t live in a culture conducive to rest. Even in the church we can

Problems? Turn To God’s Word- Have Faith!

The bible contains the word of God which directly speaks to us not only when we are faced with difficult situation but a daily guide for our short stay on earth, so with that in mind, here’s your Bible verse

Are You Responding to God’s Call to Help YOU with YOUR Burdens?

                            How much courage would it take for you to leave everything you know and have and then follow Jesus without knowing the destination? Do you have

Like Elijah, God May Be trying to tell You YOU’RE `JUST Tired!

God met his servant Elijah in his desperate moment of discouragement and despair. This is mercy at its best, beautifully portrayed by the Master Himself. First, God allowed Elijah a time of rest and refreshment. No sermon. No rebuke. No
