Tag Archives: Gave

God Has Given You A 1-of-a-kind Mission!

“The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me — to tell people the Good News about God’s grace.” (Acts 20:24b NCV) God gave you a mission, and it’s a mission

God is up to something..A Prayer For You!

Lord, You said, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whosoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake

Are You Following God’s Path For Your Life?

God gave us the word “may” as a gift to be able to see and impact the future for good and God. It is a word of opportunity, of blessing, of hope. Depending on who speaks the word or who

God has purpose in Your pain!

 A number of people today are in a desperate place in their lives. You may even be one of them. Are you in need of a financial miracle? Many are strapped financially or are in need of salvation for another

The Indescribable Love and Faithfulness of God

Do you doubt God’s love for you? Are you convinced of His love and faithfulness towards a fallen humanity? Consider these facts from God’s Word: In the Garden of Eden, God showed us His idea of the true “Good Life”.

Good Friday is coming!Are your ready?

Good Friday is the Friday just before Easter Sunday. It is a day that is sacred for people all over the world.  But why is Good Friday so important you may wonder? This is a question that must have surely

Want to improve your life?Write Scriptures!

Often times when studying the Word of God, we quickly read over the verses. We get a general understanding of the verses and may spend a few moments thinking about them. But shouldn’t studying the Word of God be more

Quotes to motivate and inspire you!

Inspirational quotes will make it clear to you that many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. So dont miss your change read those short motivational quotes and
