Tag Archives: Fortune

God wants to Fix what happened to create Your “New”!

Sometimes we have to dig around the dirt in order to plant something new, beautiful and well-rooted. This post will focus on allowing God to heal your past, so that your “New future can be created”!  Before you go forward,

Do You Need God To Speak and Guide You?

Are you paying attention to the voice of God? When I was in my 20s I was praying about whether I should enroll in graduate school. Then one morning in my devotional time I came to Psalm 32:8 and it

Healing Past Hurts (Part One)

Sometimes we have to dig around the dirt in order to plant something new, beautiful and well-rooted. This post is the first of two parts of a teaching on healing the past. Before you go forward, stop and pray. Ask

Did you know God uses your giving to give to you?

When you give to God you get back more than you ever thought possible. Now, that is not the main purpose for giving but that is just the way things happen to be. That must never be our motive for

Motivational quotes to inspire you!

  “If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice,
