Tag Archives: Direction

Are you tired? Do you need energy?

Having energy in life is about balance. It is about being clear and not being weighed down by thoughts, emotions. It is to let go of struggle and to remain present. Energy in life comes from connecting, from being present,

Ever Wonder if God Wants YOU to be Happy?

“He disciplines us for our good, that we may share His holiness” (Hebrews 12:10). It’s good to be happy. I’m all in favor of it, and I think the Lord is also. However. God’s primary concern is not in making

God’s New start for you poses the Question, What’s Next for You?

It’s time for a New start because the new year is here! Consider where have you been, where are you now, and where are you going. Where is Jesus in each of these? How has redemption changed your life and

As YOU seek God for 31 Days, expect Surprises!

Acts 9:10-21 Surprises are always part of God’s leading. In Saul’s case, the surprise came in the form of a light from heaven, marking a life-changing transformation. For Ananias, it was a seemingly unreasonable and illogical command from the Lord,

Can You Say “I Used Everything You Gave Me?”

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say: I used everything you gave me.” – Erma Bombeck I love that

Want A Shift? Focus on Your Purpose, Not Your Problem!

When you stay focused on your purpose, not your problem, you can be happy even when life seems to be falling apart.Paul was an old man when he was in prison in Rome. He was a long way from home.

Invite God to help Increase YOUR Faith-Set New Goals!

“An intelligent person aims at wise action, but a fool starts off in many directions” (Proverbs 17:24 GNT). Most of what we do on a daily basis won’t matter in five minutes, much less five years. We do a lot

Want God’s Help?

God is very helpful, and the phrase “Ask and you shall receive!” is quite true. However, there are proper and improper ways to ask for God’s help, because God responds in infinite ways. A bad way to ask God for
