Tag Archives: Becoming

Spiritual Healing is God’s Healing

Spiritual healing is one of the way God heals. God does heal and more people than ever before are now turning to this type of healing as traditional medicine is failing many people. In reality there is only one person who can

Are You Responding to God’s Call to Help YOU with YOUR Burdens?

                            How much courage would it take for you to leave everything you know and have and then follow Jesus without knowing the destination? Do you have

It’s Fourth Of July, Let’s Think About This Thing!

It’s time to watch fireworks displays, sing patriotic songs, and ruminate about our country’s rich heritage and history. It’s time to celebrate America’s national birthday. As we do so, we should recognize that millions of our ancestors, by their creative

Are Your Problems Holding You in Bondage?

Bondage is all about being held captive, it can be a physical form of imprisonment  but it can also be mental or emotional.  Bondage can easily be dismissed as a bad habit, a character flaw or some obnoxious personality quirk.

God wants to lead you to Your Purpose!

We have great potential. We have so much potential! Each of us can be the unique and extraordinary person that God originally created us to be! We all have the ability to make millions of dollars, invent cures to terminal

Need something to do this Labor Day?

Has this Labor day found you bored with nothing to do? Are you having a day when it is just difficult to get started and difficult to stir yourself up for even the simplest of tasks through your lack of

Work with God to heal yourself!

We’ve often heard that human beings utilize only a tiny fraction of our brain power, but in recent years a wonderful movement has been afoot which encompasses a much stronger pull toward using the power of our minds to a
