Have patience with God-Wait for His timing!

We live in a fast-paced society and in the midst of a very impatient culture. Yet this societal age we are living in goes against the teachings of the Bible. The psalmist said these words in Psalm 27:14, “Wait for the Lord; Be strong, and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord.”
Sometimes it is hard to be patient. Long, slow lines are annoying anywhere. Getting caught in traffic on the interstate is stressful. Having to be stuck waiting at a doctor’s office is never a good way to spend an afternoon. Waiting on God can be even more difficult. When we don’t know what to do, it is often in our interests to wait on God’s perfect timing. We are prone to try to influence things with quick “fix-its,” but we all know how successful that can be. In things of a spiritual nature, as well as life in general, we must learn to listen to the Lord.
If we develop an ear that is deaf toward God, we will often miss His providence. When His voice is inaudible, we all know that we are listening to other voices. It is all too common that we will not hear the Lord speak until, speaking loudly, He showers us with His mighty voice.
Patience simply means listening to the Lord. Jesus was well-known for getting away for times alone in prayer. Prayer is the act of spiritual inhaling and exhaling. We accomplish our exhales (petitions) much better if we have first breathed in from Him. Do we take time to get alone with God in the study of His Word or commune with Him in a quiet, secret place of solitude to pray?
It is much to our advantage to cultivate this in all our dealings with the Lord. We must pray, but we must be patient in waiting upon and seeking the Lord. Let us often seek to have a patient attitude in our dealings with the Lord, waiting for His perfect timing in all things, and seeking His leading as we wait to hear His voice, and discern His Spirit.
How all too often, do we go to the Lord in prayer not seeking His voice and direction, but with our minds already staid upon what we feel His answer should be, or his will is? How often do we pray, with the answers already, as to what God’s will should be, set in our hearts? If we would seek to really serve God, and hear answers to our prayers, we must be patient in our waiting upon the Lord showing us His way. He must be our guide and pilot, and we must be unwearied, and uncomplaining as we seek His direction and lead.
— Shared with you by Matt Skiles who is senior pastor at Lebanon Rock Church.
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