Category Archives: Seeking God

God will give YOU Enough Time to Do His Will!

In a 21st century world where we’re overworked, over stressed, and over-scheduled, this may be one of the most significant and freeing sentences you’ll ever read: You have just enough time to do God’s will. That means if you don’t

‘Ever Asked the Question, Where Will my help come from?’

When Jewish pilgrims made their way to the temple in Jerusalem, they had a group of poems they recited together as they traveled. These poems or psalms were called the “songs of ascent.”One of the psalms describes the anxiety pilgrims

God Wants To Help You Reach Your Highest Potential!

Yes, you are a sacred being.  We are all Spiritual Beings created in God’s image with his love.  We are beings of light, love, wisdom and grace.  We have free will and the co-creative ability. Ask Yourself these Key Questions:

To Reach Your Destination Requires Your Determination!

M.S. Mills wrote, Jesus “had to resolve firmly to face the death which awaited Him in Jerusalem. He was not just running to a divine ‘game plan’ but had to go through all the emotions of any human being facing

Ever Felt like a Misfit? God has A Plan For You!

God said it to Samuel as he looked among Jesse’s boys for Israel’s next king: The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart (1

As God works, What Are You Grateful For?

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace.” (Philippians 4:6-7a NLT)In Philippians 4:6-7 we find one of the

Will You Step it Up This Year?

The first week of 2016 is behind us and I’m taking time to reflect on it. Making New Years Resolutions to create change is a common thing to do because we feel like we are given a fresh start. We
