Author Archives: WINInternational

Now is a Good time to start A Quiet Time with God!

“Oh how I love Thy law! It is my meditation all the day.” Psalm 119:97 Christianity is not a legal relationship, it is a love relationship. Ten thousand “don’ts” will never make you one iota more like the Lord Jesus Christ.

Just Plow Your Fields, Leave The Rest To God!

We all face times in life when we feel overwhelmed. Our To Do List is too long.  Or the people who are closest to us are creating stress instead of making our lives easier.  Or we feel that the problems

Puzzled?Pray and Let God decide How He’ll Answer!

Do you like to wait? Do you enjoy sitting at a doctor’s office waiting to be seen? How about going to the drive through at a fast food restaurant with a 35-car line and the food not cooking fast enough?

Tired of Problems? Pray more so God can do more!

Always be grateful for the gifts of prayer which God has given you! Prayer allows you to go before our Heavenly Father for any and all things. If you’ve ever prayed then you know that prayer is a time when

Hold Your Place on the wall!

When God instructed Moses to build the tabernacle, He also gifted skilled craftsmen with the ability to perform all the tasks which He commanded. Moses could not have done it without them. Additionally, the people brought sacred offerings of materials

Have You Ever Asked God When?

Can any good thing come from having to wait? “Are we there yet?” You know the drill if you are a parent. When our kids were little, one set of grandparents lived 1200 miles away. Argh. What a trip with

Maybe What is Occuring is because you Need Selah!

  Kent complained about having too much to do and being tired of rushing around all the time. He thought that his hurried, overcrowded life was inevitable for him as a pastor who had a family and lived in Orange

Keep Asking!

“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better.” Ephesians 1:17 (NIV) My father raised me to never, never
